Thursday, September 04, 2008

An Outside Opinion

This was an interesting comment left on a Washington Post article. I especially love the line, "When do you guys actually get down to debating policies and issues?"

Maybe it is time we listen to the other industrialized nations of the world. Instead, we choose to maintain our macho facade by saying we are the greatest country in the world. I hate to bruise anyone's egos, but the quality of life is much better in Europe and Australia.

I write again from Australia (or is it Mars for all the believability of the USA election process). From where we sit, this election is kinda pitiable for a once great nation, the (ongoing?) democratic experiment and project. Firstly, it is the level of bile that shocks. The deep divisions in your society. The easy and specious use of labels that falsely define others as if we are all just one dimensional. Now we have the topsy-turvy redefining of Conservative values personified in Sarah Palin. It does seem strange to us that the VP pick is gaining more attention (and for all the wrong reasons) than McCain himself. When do you guys actually get down to debating policies and issues. Or do you all just surge along on emotion and gut feeling driven by hyper spun aspects of personality and biography. It is so depressing for the world's remaining but clearly declining superpower. No wonder states like Russia and China, with little democracy to speak of, see their chance now. And here's a mechanistic point. Here in Australia, we ALL vote (about 98%). We take the PROCESS very seriously and responsibly. Hey - we use voting papers and pencils. We vote on a Saturday when it is easy to reach the polls. There is a paper trail for each and every vote. No chads (dimpled, hanging or otherwise), no hackable and insecure computer voting - just good old-fashioned mark-the-papaer voting. We watch you from afar and feel kinda sick at heart about this election. McCain is clearly too old for the job. Palin is flaky. Obama is a cleverly veiled unknown with a surefeit of charisma. Biden is a Washington veteran. Where are your really top drawer leaders? Be worried. Be very worried. We certainly are.

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