Wednesday, March 30, 2005

As If Things Couldn't Worse, I Lost My Wallet In Milwaukee

I lost my wallet containing $350 on Monday shortly after lifting weights with a friend. It was the ultimate capper to a month that has done nothing but bring me great sorrow. I owed the money to a friend and luckily I was able to borrow some from another friend. Robbing Peter to pay Paul has never been my style. I have cancelled the check card in the wallet but if anyone reaches this site because they found it, please contact me.

I repeat, I lost my wallet either near the Empire Building on Knapp St. or I dropped in the road outside my house on Pleasant St. between Jackson and Van Buren. Please contact me at this site using the email link provided or post a comment on this blog.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Bobby Fischer Being Searched In A Japanese Airport

Bobby Fischer Still Running

Former World Champion chess player Bobby Fischer has been granted citizenship in Iceland as he continues to battle extradition to the United States for playing a game in the former Yugoslavia. Fischer has continued his great run in chess and in life. However, the run seems far from over for poor Bobby.

Fischer is wanted for playing a exhibition match in Yugoslavia while the U.S. had imposed sanctions limiting travel to the country. After winning nearly $3.5 million in the match versus Boris Spassky of Russia, Fischer refused to the income tax and is now wanted for tax evasion as well.

Before leaving Japan, Fischer had some choice words for President Bush and Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi. Fischer claims he was "kidnapped" by the Japanese government and that the two men "are war criminals and should be hung."

For more on Bobby Fischer's latest escapades and how you can help his plight visit

UW-Milwaukee On The Map With Sweet Sixteen Birth

Mid-Major Enjoying Attention

I am always a sucker for a story where the underdog comes out on top. Amidst all the madness that comes with the NCAA Tournament, I suddenly find my school's team in a national spotlight with a chance to beat the number one team in the nation.
The attention is infectious to everyone involved

Can Anyone Give Me A Job?

Please, I will begin to starve soon.

Times have been tough lately. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years and it's definitely weird living all alone for the first time. I was so distraught when it happened that I started failing all my classes and lost my job for calling in too many times. So if anyone out there reading this can loan me some money or put me to work, I would do nearly anything. (Try me)

Welcome To The Full Palette

My blog pertaining to everything and nothing simultaneously is now fully operational. After working for the man for too damn long, I now have ample time to keep the blog updated with new and interesting topics. Stay posted.