Monday, September 29, 2008

Campaign '08

I've decided to create a series of posts focusing solely on the upcoming election. From now until November, I will be following the election through the news wire and commenting on current happenings. My goal is to be as informed as possible when I cast my vote and to hopefully share some of my insight with others.

I am an independent voter with views which are often viewed as borderline ultra-liberal. I believe in the U.S. Constitution and American's right to the pursuit of happiness. I believe strongly in family values. I also believe personal freedoms. Basically, what you do in your home is your business, as long as it doesn't impede the rights of others.

All of that said, most of these posts will focus on the major party candidates and their Vice Presidential running mates. I definitely will touch on independents and minor party candidates, however, bi-partisanship rules in this country and as always it will be a two dog race.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

An Outside Opinion

This was an interesting comment left on a Washington Post article. I especially love the line, "When do you guys actually get down to debating policies and issues?"

Maybe it is time we listen to the other industrialized nations of the world. Instead, we choose to maintain our macho facade by saying we are the greatest country in the world. I hate to bruise anyone's egos, but the quality of life is much better in Europe and Australia.

I write again from Australia (or is it Mars for all the believability of the USA election process). From where we sit, this election is kinda pitiable for a once great nation, the (ongoing?) democratic experiment and project. Firstly, it is the level of bile that shocks. The deep divisions in your society. The easy and specious use of labels that falsely define others as if we are all just one dimensional. Now we have the topsy-turvy redefining of Conservative values personified in Sarah Palin. It does seem strange to us that the VP pick is gaining more attention (and for all the wrong reasons) than McCain himself. When do you guys actually get down to debating policies and issues. Or do you all just surge along on emotion and gut feeling driven by hyper spun aspects of personality and biography. It is so depressing for the world's remaining but clearly declining superpower. No wonder states like Russia and China, with little democracy to speak of, see their chance now. And here's a mechanistic point. Here in Australia, we ALL vote (about 98%). We take the PROCESS very seriously and responsibly. Hey - we use voting papers and pencils. We vote on a Saturday when it is easy to reach the polls. There is a paper trail for each and every vote. No chads (dimpled, hanging or otherwise), no hackable and insecure computer voting - just good old-fashioned mark-the-papaer voting. We watch you from afar and feel kinda sick at heart about this election. McCain is clearly too old for the job. Palin is flaky. Obama is a cleverly veiled unknown with a surefeit of charisma. Biden is a Washington veteran. Where are your really top drawer leaders? Be worried. Be very worried. We certainly are.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls

For all of you think you have dysfunction in your family, you may be relieved that you are not the only one. Jeanette Walls memoir of growing up with her eccentric parents in California, Arizona, and West Virginia, outlines the struggles and subtle insanity of her family.

The story is one of perseverance and resilience. The father is a drunk who often shirks his responsibilities as a parent, yet fills his children's heads full of imagination and wonderment. The mother often turns her head to the behavior of the father and is normally too focused on her artwork than the children's needs. Through all of this, Ms. Walls and her siblings learn to be independent and they begin to take care of themselves.

The story follows Ms. Walls to New York, where she had attended college and has become a writer. The parents eventually follow her and two siblings there and choose to be homeless even as their children succeed.

Throughout the book, Rex Walls tells Jeanette of his plans for a new house made completely of glass. As a young girl, Jeanette shares the dream of the new house with her father, but as time goes on, she realizes it is another one of her father's grand pipe dreams. The glass castle is largely symbolic. It symbolizes hope for the future. Or in the words of the author herself, "the glass castle can be whatever you choose to make it."

The book is a great read and I recommend it to all, especially those who have had troubled upbringings. But, you don't have to take my word for it. Duh dunt duh.

For the authors perspective on the memoir, click here.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Abolish the Federal Reserve

I have started researching more about the Federal Reserve since I watched a film about federal tax laws. Quite frankly, I was appalled at what I saw and heard.

There is no law that the American people can have their wages taxed by the federal government. In fact, the 16th amendment to the Constitution explicitly states Congress has no right to impose new taxes on the people.

It was equally appalling to see how are taxes are being spent. Not one cent of our federal taxes goes to any type of public services. It all goes to paying off the national debt. Which as of today stands at $9,398,266,767,845.52. The government collects nearly $1 trillion dollars a year in federal taxes from private citizens as opposed to $250 million in corporate taxes, which are legal.
It all ties to inflation and the Federal Reserve's ability to create money out of thin air. Today, the dollar is worth approximately four cents. Gold prices have shot through the roof because it is what people turn to when there is a recession. There was a time when there was enough gold to back all of the currency in circulation in this country. Paper money is truly just an worthless illusion.

There needs to be something done. I cannot watch as this country's economy go into the shitter and not say something. I am posting a link to the documentary which started my quest to investigate the internal workings of the Federal Reserve. It might make you angry, but you should be, it's our money!!! We should be outraged!!

To view the documentary, click here

To learn more on the Federal Reserve watch this video and do some research. The more people know the things happening to them, the greater a chance for change.