Thursday, October 13, 2005

Quitting Update

I have been sticking to my guns on this no-smoking thing. I cannot say, however, I haven't cheated. Only my cheating is becoming sneakier and sneakier. The only problem is the only person I am fooling is myself.

While up at UWM the other day, I am sure someone witnessed me taking 3/4 of a cigarette out of one of the ashtrays and lighting up. I know, it's disgusting and how could I stoop that low. Well, I have been smoking about a pack per day for about 10 years now at the addiction definitely has me by the balls.

I will keep trying though. I have probably smoked less this week then I do in an average day. Progress is going to be slow but steady I feel. I am going to try to refrain from using the last weeks worth of nicotine patches I have left. No more crutches. Check back to see how I am doing and feel free to post your own results.

What Happened to All the Posts?

I am making a conscious effort to keep up on all the things in my life that I have let slip. One of those things includes keeping this blog updated. From now on, I will try to post at least one daily thought, feeling, or exciting happening.

I can't guarantee the quality of each posting, but I think with regular posts this site could actually generate some traffic. So if you are interested in what I am up to and what is on my mind, check back everyday.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Time to Give Up the Cigarettes

Which lung would you rather have?

I had my first cigarette in 1992 when I was a 14-year-old kid trying to fit in with my friends. I can remember how horrible they tasted when I was first starting. The tar was something foreign, not at all resembling anything people would want entering their bodies, much less their lungs.

Over time, people are able to take bigger drags without coughing. Nicotine is no longer a poison, but rather a necessity. You start to become cool, then you gradually get more and more hooked. Today, I begin the mission of ridding myself of nicotine and tar for good.

To whomever is reading this, I know I probably sound like most people who don't really want to smoke, but are powerless against the addictive qualities. I am very serious this time. It does have a little bit to do with being very broke in this time of $4 packs of smokes in Wisconsin. My friends in New York (Hi Carrie!)usually just order their's illegally over the internet rather than pay the $7 asked by most bodega owners.

To prove my urgency on this matter, I will be posting daily results. I will be honest and tell how many cigarettes I had, where I had them and what the triggering circumstances were. Hopefully, this will act as some type of therapy over stressful nerves and help to identify what makes me want a cigarette. (As if I didn't already know!)

So wish me luck and feel free to share any stories or remedies that worked while quitting smoking. Many have succeeded in quitting and hopefully, I will be the next.

I Just Joined a Crazy Poker Tournament

Poker Championship

I have registered to play in the
Online Poker Blogger Championship!

This event is powered by PokerStars.

Registration code: 9716003