Saturday, April 20, 2019

I Am Still Alive!

Life changes constantly for all of us, and I am no exception.  It has been a rough road since I suffered a traumatic brain injury 2 years ago on April 1st.  However,  it has taught me to live in the moment. Partially because I can't predict the future, and I can't remember things in the short-term. To help me better remember what happens in my life, I am starting up my blog again.  So this will most likely turn into more of a journal, with lots of added commentary. Come back often if you wish to hear what I am up to on a given day, and the various thoughts that go on in my head.  After the brain injury, I feel like I am as smart as I used to be, but there are definite changes.  I am not sure how to describe it other than my emotions are out of wack.  There is probably a clinical name for that, but I am still researching it.  I recently started taking anti-depressants again, but I can't even examine how well they are working.  I am hopeful for the future, so stay tuned.

Happy 4/20 to all my stoner friends.  It was a great medicine for me during my recovery from a brain injury, and the rest of my life.  I will be sharing my thoughts and hopes for this new law as it progresses in Madison, so stay tuned. In case you don't know me, I have been busted twice for pot, and one of them was a felony.  I completely back the governor in decriminalizing THC because it could completely expunge my criminal record, opening up a hole new world for myself and many other people.  Now watch this short video I put on YouTube.  The music is relevant to this short post, but the video was made for my opening day jaunt to Miller Park.  You will always be Miller Park, no matter what Cubs fans or corporate sponsors want to call it. 

Peace, Love, and Hair Grease.

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