Thursday, March 10, 2011


It was yearly bonus time at work today. Mine was better than last year and I'm all paid up on my bills. While some co-workers may be smart with their money, I am fool in love with instant gratification.

So I am deciding to splurge a little on a TV. I have read specs up and down, set my price range, and have even come to memorize about 20 model numbers.

If I get last year's model, I can get a much bigger TV for the money. If I get this year's model, I can get 3D. Well, the 3D ratings on the one sucked really bad. There were reports of ghosting on just about any medium other than 3D Blu-ray discs.

And the winner is:

The Vizio 55" XVT553SV. It is last year's model but it still has the internet apps, the Bluetooth remote, and built-in wireless. That was pretty much everything I wanted. I'm betting 3D won't be a standard anyway, so by the time the next thing comes along, I will be ready.

I will post a short review only as there are plenty on the internet to see. C-Net gave it a good review.

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